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F L E X   L E A G U E




The Moore's Mill Flex League is an adults Co-Ed doubles league sanctioned through the UTR. The league operates in 6-week sessions guaranteeing 5 matches. Matches are scheduled by participants and played at any facility. The League is open to the public.


1. In order to play, you'll first need to create an UTR profile. If you have previously played sanctioned matches (i.e an USTA event), you may already be in the UTR database and simply need to verify your identity. 


PRO TIP: UTR will encourage you to purchase a power membership when creating an account. This is not required to play. It does however grant you some pretty neat tools, as well as, $12 off all UTR registrations. If you are interested in purchasing an UTR power membership, we'd like to encourage you to support your local program by purchasing the membership through Moore's Mill. A coach can set this up for you.


2. Once you've created your profile, simply navigate to the events tab. The events tab will show you all the local UTR events in your area. The Moore's Mill Flex League should be one of the first events (if you've allowed location services on your device). Check the dates to make sure you are selecting the correct league.


3. Once inside the league page, you can register! Simply navigate to the right side of the screen if on PC or the bottom of the screen if on mobile, and select "register".


PRO TIP: It is advantageous to read through the event's description to familiarize yourself with all the details, (i.e. scoring format, how to report score, etc.). 


4. That's it! You're ready to play! When registering, if your partner is not yet in the UTR database, simply select the "invite partner" button. This will send your doubles partner an UTR sign-up link. Congratulations of joining the league, we're excited to have you!


Play your league match at Moore's Mill Club at the following times and we'll provide the court and balls!


Mondays: Courts 1 - 9:30 - 11:00am

Tuesdays: Courts 5 & 6 - 10:30 - 12:00pm

Wednesdays: Court 1 - 9:30-11:00am | Court 5 - 5:30-7:00pm

Thursdays: Courts 5 & 6 - 10:30-12:00pm

Friday: Courts 1 & 2 - 9:00 - 10:30


Oct 10 - Nov 18

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